American Black Walnut - Buy Online
American Black Walnut finished and polishes very well and is frequently used for cabinets and furniture. It is a strong, hard timber that is easily worked.

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American Black Walnut Information
American Black Walnut varies in colour from rich chocolate-brown to a purplish-black. Its grain is coarse but with a fine texture.
Other Names
American Walnut Juglans nigra Family: Juglandaceae
Black walnut is widely distributed throughout North America from south Ontario southward to Texas, and in the east, from Maine to Florida, but it is not plentiful, firstly because its growth is scattered, and secondly, because of the clearing of ground for cultivation and the demands for timber have exhausted the supply in many areas.
The Tree
Under favourable conditions, the tree attains a height of 30m and a diameter of 1.5m or more, the bole often being clear for 15m to 18m.
The Timber
The sapwood is usually narrow, and pale brown in colour, the heartwood varying in colour from rich chocolate-brown to a purplish-black. The wood has a fine even texture and a rather coarse grain, and weighs about 660 kg/m3 when dried.
Dries rather slowly with a tendency to honeycombing.
Moderately durable.
Working Qualities
The timber is moderately hard, tough, strong and is easily worked. It finishes well and takes an excellent polish.
Furniture, cabinets, gun stocks, musical instruments and decorative veneer.