Articles: Woodhenge Renovation - Telford Council Project
Reviving Telford's own "Woodhenge" timber sculpture breathes new vitality, as Telford & Wrekin Council joins hands with iWood and MSM Hire Ltd to embark on an exhilarating journey of conservation and artistic ingenuity.
Dating back to 1973, Woodhenge emerged as an iconic local landmark, ingrained in the hearts of the community. Crafted from oak at its inception, this architectural marvel endured nearly half a century of unrelenting weather. However, the passage of time took its toll, and the unique sculpture needed to be replaced.
With iWood at the helm, furnishing substantial European Oak beams measuring 500x500mm and 550x400mm, in synergy with the MSM Hire team, the reinstallation process renewed Woodhenge. Thus, the structure reclaims its stance, poised to grace the landscape for years to come.
As you can see from the photos below, this exciting project is a sight to behold:
More photos in the iWood gallery